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The technology used for all the video elements on this site is provided by Real Networks. Real Networks, the company better known for its "Real Player" now comes pre-installed in all newer versions of popular web browsers (such as Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.)

If you encounter difficulties viewing to any of the video clips, it is probably because Real Player is either not installed on your system, or it is an old version. Adding the latest version of Real Player is very simple & available free, and will allow you to join the millions of other web users who have been enjoying video and audio on the Internet.

Real Networks Real Player Installation Instructions

Here's the step-by-step procedure to install the Real Player on your system (read the system requirements if you have an older computer):

  1. After reading these instructions, click on the download Real Player link below.
    This will take you directly to the Real Player download page on the Real Networks website.
  2. If you want the free version of the software be sure and click on the link toward the bottom of the page which says, "RealPlayer 8 Basic is our free player."  The free version of the player will be sufficient to play video as featured on
  3. You will be asked to fill out information about you and your system. When you're finished, be sure to click on the "Download Free Real Player 8 Basic" button.
  4. Next, you will be presented with 3 choices: Complete, Standard or Minimal. Make your selection the instructions below are for the "Minimal" installation - simply replace the file name and download time if you choose the Standard or Complete installation.
  5. Click on the location closest to you to start the download process.
  6. A file download window will appear. Choose "Save this program to disk" and click the OK button.
  7. Here comes the tricky part - where to save the file. This is important because when the download is completed you will need to locate the file to start the installation. If you're familiar with your computer file system, you can skip to the next section, otherwise, please keep reading. The easiest way to save the file so you don't lose track of it is to save it to your desktop. You will notice a small window in the upper left corner with words "Save in" to its left. To the immediate right of that box, you will find a clickable down arrow. Click on the down arrow using your mouse, and a menu will appear showing different drives and directories.  Scroll to the top of that menu and you will come to the word "Desktop". Select "Desktop" so that it now appears next to the words "Save in". Now go to the bottom of that window and click on the "Save" button. That will start the download process (Note: this is a large file which may take up to 30 minutes if you have a slow modem).  A small download bar will appear allowing you to monitor the download time. When the download is completed, you will see a message indicating its completion. Click on the "Close" button, and close all open applications, including your browser, so that you now only see your desktop. It is important that you close all applications before continuing the installation process. Locate and click on the newly created desktop icon with the title rp8-setup.exe. This will launch the install process - simply follow the instructions to complete the installation.
  8. That new version is all you need to use video/audio clips on and all other Internet sites using this technology. 
  9. When the installation is completed, go back to your desktop, position the cursor over the desktop icon with the title rp8-setup.exe, click on your mouse's right button and click on "Delete" - that is a file you don't need once installed (make sure the installation was successful before deleting, in case you need to re-install.)

Download the Free Real Player

Click here to download the Free Real Player 
If for any reason the above link doesn't work, please email us immediately.

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